
class ansys.additive.core.simulation_task.SimulationTask(server_connection: ansys.additive.core.server_connection.ServerConnection, long_running_operation: google.longrunning.operations_pb2.Operation, simulation_input: ansys.additive.core.single_bead.SingleBeadInput | ansys.additive.core.porosity.PorosityInput | ansys.additive.core.microstructure.MicrostructureInput | ansys.additive.core.thermal_history.ThermalHistoryInput | ansys.additive.core.microstructure_3d.Microstructure3DInput | ansys.additive.core.material_tuning.MaterialTuningInput, user_data_path: str)#

Provides a simulation task.

server_connection: ServerConnection

The client connection to the Additive server.

long_running_operation: Operation

The long-running operation representing the simulation on the server.

simulation_input: SingleBeadInput | PorosityInput | MicrostructureInput | ThermalHistoryInput | Microstructure3DInput | MaterialTuningInput

The simulation input.

user_data_path: str

The path to the user data directory.



Fetch status from the server to update progress and results.


Wait for simulation to finish while updating progress.


Cancel a running simulation.


Get the simulation id associated with this task.


The summary of the completed simulation.


Check if the task is completed.

Import detail#

from ansys.additive.core.simulation_task import SimulationTask

Property detail#

property SimulationTask.simulation_id: str#

Get the simulation id associated with this task.

property SimulationTask.summary: ansys.additive.core.single_bead.SingleBeadSummary | ansys.additive.core.porosity.PorositySummary | ansys.additive.core.microstructure.MicrostructureSummary | ansys.additive.core.microstructure_3d.Microstructure3DSummary | ansys.additive.core.thermal_history.ThermalHistorySummary | ansys.additive.core.material_tuning.MaterialTuningSummary | ansys.additive.core.simulation_error.SimulationError | None#

The summary of the completed simulation.

None if simulation is not completed.

property SimulationTask.done: bool#

Check if the task is completed.

Method detail#

SimulationTask.status() ansys.additive.core.progress_handler.Progress#

Fetch status from the server to update progress and results.

progress_handler: IProgressHandler, None, default: None

Handler for progress updates. If None, no progress updates are provided.

SimulationTask.wait(*, progress_update_interval: int = 5, progress_handler: ansys.additive.core.progress_handler.IProgressHandler | None = None) None#

Wait for simulation to finish while updating progress.

progress_update_interval: int, default: 5

A timeout value (in seconds) to give to the looped WaitOperation() calls to return an updated message for a progress update.

progress_handler: IProgressHandler, None, default: None

Handler for progress updates. If None, no progress updates are provided.

SimulationTask.cancel() None#

Cancel a running simulation.