
class ansys.additive.core.thermal_history.ThermalHistorySummary(input: ThermalHistoryInput, coax_ave_output_folder: str, logs: str, status: ansys.additive.core.simulation.SimulationStatus = SimulationStatus.COMPLETED)#

Bases: ansys.additive.core.simulation.SimulationSummaryBase

Summary of a thermal history simulation.



Simulation input.


Path to the folder containing the coaxial average sensor results.

Import detail#

from ansys.additive.core.thermal_history import ThermalHistorySummary

Property detail#

property ThermalHistorySummary.input: ThermalHistoryInput#

Simulation input.

For more information, see the ThermalHistoryInput class.

property ThermalHistorySummary.coax_ave_output_folder: str#

Path to the folder containing the coaxial average sensor results.

Results consist of VTK files, one per deposit layer, containing the thermal history of the scan pattern.