The module#



Provides input parameters for tuning a custom material.


Provides a summary of material tuning simulations.


Provides input and result summary containers for material tuning.

Module detail#

class material_tuning.MaterialTuningInput(*, id: str, experiment_data_file: str, material_configuration_file: str, thermal_properties_lookup_file: str, characteristic_width_lookup_file: str = None, allowable_error: float = 0.05, max_iterations: int = 15, base_plate_temperature: float = 353.15)#

Provides input parameters for tuning a custom material.

id: str

ID for this set of tuning simulations.

experiment_data_file: str

Name of the CSV file containing the experimental results data.

material_configuration_file: str

Name of the JSON file containing the material parameters.

thermal_properties_lookup_file: str

Name of the CSV file containing a lookup table for thermal-dependent properties.

characteristic_width_lookup_file: str, None

Name of the CSV file containing a lookup table for the characteristic melt pool width at a given temperature. The default is None, in which case the characteristic width is calculated. However, a value must be provided for the base_plate_temperature parameter.

allowable_error: float, 0.05

Maximum allowable error between experimental and simulated results. The default is 0.05, which is 5 percent.

max_iterations: int, 15

Maximum number of iterations to perform when trying to match simulation results to an experiment if the allowable error is not met.

base_plate_temperature: float, 353.15

Temperature of the base plate in Kelvin. This is only required if the value for the characteristic_width_lookup_file parameter is None. This value is ignored otherwise. The default is 353.15 K, which is 80 C.

Import detail#

from ansys.additive.core.material_tuning import MaterialTuningInput
class material_tuning.MaterialTuningSummary(input: MaterialTuningInput, msg: ansys.api.additive.v0.additive_domain_pb2.MaterialTuningResult, out_dir: str)#

Provides a summary of material tuning simulations.



Material tuning input.


Path to the optimization parameters file.


Path to the characteristic width file or None.


Path to the tuning log file or None.

Import detail#

from ansys.additive.core.material_tuning import MaterialTuningSummary

Property detail#

property MaterialTuningSummary.input: MaterialTuningInput#

Material tuning input.

property MaterialTuningSummary.optimized_parameters_file: str#

Path to the optimization parameters file.

property MaterialTuningSummary.characteristic_width_file: str#

Path to the characteristic width file or None.

property MaterialTuningSummary.log_file: str#

Path to the tuning log file or None.